MasterMinding Evolution ~ 22 Mar 2015

Last week I mentioned that Uranus, fresh off a seemingly unending set of squares to Pluto, soon moves up to align with our amazing, relatively new planet Eris. Both these planets maintain a bit of an edge about conformity, fitting in and what they see as the better option(s). After all, both claim, their view is more distant, larger, expansive, free of the myopic minutia of the personal planets and their pressures. Just don’t forget to send them an invitation to any gala event on the calendar, and when they show up, ask for their valued opinions.

This is the first time in human history the Uranus-Eris conjunction series occurs with the alignment in our conscious awareness. Therefore, this inaugural alignment should be heeded with attentiveness, cooperation, receptivity to inspiration and innovation, and alacrity.

Perhaps we can derive some meaning from the previous series of alignments, not quite one century ago.

The exact alignments of Uranus to Eris in the previous go round were:

            April 20, 1927 @ 1 Aries 04

            October 15, 1927 @ 0 Aries 40, both retrograde

            January 26, 1928 @ 0 Aries 25, both planets were conjunct Jupiter, very exact

Of course in 1929, the stock market crashed. Did the Uranus-Eris conjunction series foreshadow that event? Did the pairing suggest that the elite, exclusionary approach of stock market investing works against the collective good? Did the conjunction signal that what goes up, must come down, especially if founded on intangibles instead of stuff?

Should we hold fear of collective economic despair, suspecting that the market will collapse again? Well, last time around, Jupiter, the grand exaggerator, stretching mechanism for perspective, and guy who may have dished out a lesson about excessive accumulation, matched up with the last of the previous Uranus to Eris patterns - and the one closest to the date of the crash. This next time, no.

Does the lack of a conjunction with Jupiter this time save the stock market? Likely it will help, and during the upcoming cycle, there will be other mitigating patterns involving Jupiter and other planets to be taken into all economic considerations. There is talk of a “start-up” bubble, somewhat similar to the “.com” bubble of the 1990s. Entrepreneurs eagerly climb onboard with groovy cool, technically savvy gizmos and bits of software (aps) in the interest of supporting capitalism, fulfilling dreams and sanctioning the law of attraction, and making buckets of money in the process. Is this bad?

Probably not if something redeemable comes from it all. Something that supports the evolution of humankind. You know, like Candy Crush and Farm Heroes for you phone... the tag-on of all the productivity-wasting, creativity-depleting video games. Sure services like heart-monitoring on a watch could come in handy, as can GPS for those humans suffering from direction impairment, but some of these “innovations.” Really?

Anyway, back to the previous conjunction cycle. In the United States, it was clear that prohibition was failing during these conjunctions. The restriction on alcohol inspired racketeering, violent crime, and if a body really wanted to get a drink, it was most certainly possible. Would this suggest good news for the legalization of marijuana?

Hollywood was in its heyday during the last Uranus-Eris conjunctions. Despite the sullied reputation of Hollywood and its players by temperance movements, the press, and those demanding censorship, what happened in Hollywood continued. And in Hollywood, there were those who played the Hollywood game. Those folks got the good venues for premieres, sweet distribution deals and all the favor fame could provide. Those that didn’t like those rules were shunned, snubbed and not given the time of day - all acts that would enrage Eris - just because she navigates life as a free-thinking individualist. Phooey on them!

So, as the Uranus-Eris aspect approached, Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford and others annoyed with the system and the sneering social labels assigned to them (Communist, hard to work with, morally corrupt) formed United Artists. While this studio formation occurred in 1919, eight years before the first Uranus-Eris, is it possible that culturally significant breakthroughs linked to a pattern of slower-moving, evolving planets may occur within the decade preceding and following? Maybe we should review recent events and extract cultural and consciousness relevance.

Something else interesting and pattern-signature fitting happened during the previous retrograde Uranus-Eris conjunction. In fact, it happened nine days preceding the second conjunction. On October 6, 1927, the movie, The Jazz Singer, was released. Not only was this movie filled with consciousness-stirring racial and cultural subtext, it was a technical marvel. It was the first “talkie.” Previously, the technology did not exist to put sound and voice on film. Now it did. And as that stunning integration came to light, actors, directors and other parties in the movie-making industry, had a choice to make: Adapt and evolve or get left behind.

So, when does this all happen next?

Next up for Uranus to Eris conjunctions:

            June 8, 2016 @ 23.5 degrees of Aries

            September 26, 2016 @ 23.25, both retrograde

            March 17, 2017 @ 22 Aries 54

And on New Years Day 2018, Uranus stations, returning to direct motion. Then he stands in a two-degree separating conjunction with Eris - the last of the series.

So what do we make of these transits?

A decline in hypersensitive political correctness (censorship) stands out as an ideal; conversely, inclusion, acceptance and thorough integration of all people based upon cultural, race, theology, economic status, gender (and any other possible demographic category) would be the goals for a peaceful planet.

Economic opportunity must be pursued such that one achieves the social and cultural status that drives their dreams. Hopefully, monetary well-being comes from making and doing stuff that contributes in a good way. Conversely, when one makes ga-trillions and becomes a 1% person, the concept of redistribution of wealth can be kept in mind. You know, the world cannot attain peace if people are hungry and diseased, and/or if the downtrodden are kicked to and then off, the curb.

The Internet and social media must evolve. Privacy and security issues must be addressed for all to be included in a positive light. And the trolls and haters? What to do about them?

Technological breakthroughs must be included and people must adapt. Art-sensitive and craft-conscious filmmakers cringe that people actually watch their movies on phones and tablets. Sure these are part of the coveted “second-screen” market, but really... on a subway, wearing buds and squinting at a three-inch HD screen? Are these hypersensitive movie makers not adapting, or is their art being diminished?

There’s been a quote attributed to Henry Ford widely circulating on Linked In: “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” Yep. That’s a perfect quote for these times. If one forecasts based upon only what is known, is not the prediction tainted by the past?

So, how then to have technological, social and cultural breakthroughs?

Fortunately, the Uranus to Eris patterns receive huge inspired boosts from one of the other new planets, Haumea. She is regenerative and restorative. She is infinitely creative. She has a stick she can dip in the water and fish show up so people can be fed. Her creative forces are pretty much unlimited. During the Uranus to Eris era she opposes both, challenging each to come up with new, improved solutions instead of reiterating the past or seeking solutions that only patch up status quo.

Here are the patterns of Haumea to Uranus and Eris:

            April 2, 2016 Haumea opposite Uranus

            October 5, 2016 Haumea opposite Uranus

            October 13, 2015 Haumea opposite Eris

            April 3, 2017 Haumea opposite Uranus

            April 29, 2017 Haumea opposite Eris

            September 19, 2017 Haumea opposite Eris

The caution for Haumea comes in the nature of relationships, personal and those related to the manifestation of creative partnerships. Align carefully with investors, social media personnel, branding experts, partners and such. When the right deal comes that fits your comfort zone, react, sign and get on with it. If it’s what you wanted all along and if you retreat too long on the mountain top to ponder the situation, someone else may get your deal. Protect intellectual and creative property. And the final caution, Haumea did find herself in triangulated personal relationships, so... just saying, that may not be the best situation.

Now, here’s the consciousness-stirring deal. We are about one year out from the first of these amazing patterns. It’s time to make a personal decision to invoke all inner talents, skills and creative inspirations and stir them into a steaming pot of disciplined effort, seasoned with well-founded intent, and it is time to summon all the wisdom of this life time and that lifetime, and to respond to the galactic and planetary emanations seeking to jolt consciousness to the next highest valence level(s). Are you in?

More soon.